Temasek Junior College Bowling Team

A team you're proud to be with.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Jackets, Jackets...

Updated: 25th March 2007, 10.40pm.
Angus's vote will automatically be taken as a YES as he had not responded in time even after calls and smses from us.

Hey! 1st time posting! Wahaha! Anyways, this post is regarding the proposed jackets. So listen up.

We are requesting the whole team to vote on the jacket again, after a few unexpected incidents. After discussing with Mr Ng, we have decided to ask you all to vote again. Please read the following important points...

1. If MORE than/equal to 5 people state that they do not want the jacket, we will proceed with making the jacket for the whole team except those people.
2. If LESS THAN 5 people state they do not want the jacket, we will proceed with ordering for the WHOLE TEAM. This decision has been undertaken by the committee and Mr Ng.
3. Those people with problems and are unable to buy/afford the jacket may approach Yee Tien or Mr Ng to rediscuss/ renegotiate the jacket.
4. If you do not submit a vote before 11.59pm, 24th March 2007, Saturday, your vote will automatically be taken as a yes.
5. You are voting for or against the $35 jacket. Requests for the $30 jacket will not be entertained.
6. The only ways to vote are either to comment on this post or SMSing YEE TIEN.
7. Please state CLEARLY whether you are FOR or AGAINST the jackets. Do NOT give half-half votes like "not sure". Thanks!

Voted in favor of
-Yee Tien
-Qing Hui
-Yi Xuan
-Wei Xin
-Zuo Qi
-Jun Xiang

Voted against

Haven't Voted


Anonymous said...

for the jackets.

Anonymous said...

for the jackets too

Serene said...


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