Temasek Junior College Bowling Team

A team you're proud to be with.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Team Chalet

The chalet details are taken down for the discussions,,,

Further notice will be given....

Sorry for inconvenience caused...


Anonymous said...

personally, i feel that with or without "couples' night", we should, as far as possible, try to make the chalet happen. it's something which would bond the team and act as a farewell at the same time. making do without it would only result in a lose-lose situation.

being part of 1 of the 3 couples in the team, i must say that it really won't make a difference with or without the extra night. and even if we do have it, i can safely ensure that nothing "wrong" will happen. and by all means, if we do have it at the end of the day and there are other people who wish to stay on, please do so. the more the merrier.

lastly, i agree with rodney that it is pretty sad that the team hasn't exactly gotten a chance to bond as a team as like the other sport PDPs in the school, which do constantly organise and hold bonding sessions outside of school. so why not we just hold one this year? i believe it'll benefit us in the future. especially the TA students and the year ones. let's just enjoy ourselves and bond together as a team ya?


Anonymous said...

i think having a chalet will be great :) allows for more bonding of the team. I'll be looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

first, i have no clue what this chalet thing is about.. i must have missed something.. second: my mum has a card in SAFRA NSRCC, which allows her to book a chalet there, completely free of charge. this is the last year, as her card expires next year. so, if you all wanna book thru her, pls let me know early. at least 1 or 2 months before.
yepps. thats about it. there's a bowling alley there too.. DUH

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